St Anthony, Newfoundland & Labrador – The Grenfell Legacy

“When two courses are open, take the most venturesome.” Wilfred T Grenfell

This is my most recent Hero whose biography I read before coming here. A medical missionary to the Deep Sea Fishermen of the Labrador and Newfoundland area, his Christian love was seen by his actions. He secured philanthropic funds (from 1908-1932) from England, Canada and the US to build and staff, 6 hospitals, 4 hospital ships, 7 nursing stations, 2 orphanages, 2 large schools, 14 industrial centers, and a cooperative lumber mill. He was knighted in 1927. His story is adventuresome, heroic, humble, diligent, artistic, philanthropic and faithful to the people he grew to love and lift up to a better life.

Not the best photo, but hey, it’s me!

With that said, we had to stop to see his museum and house. And I learned even more about the beautiful person and his life. His harrowing tale of a near-death experience on the ice, pulls you into his story in a book titled, Adrift on an Ice-pan. There’s a memorial plaque on the wall of his porch, “To the Memory of Three Noble Dogs – Moody, Watch, Spy – Whose lives were given for mine on the ice. April 21, 1908” Wilfred Grenfell

In as much as Ye have done it unto one of the least of these My Brethern
Ye have done it unto Me

In the museum this model represents the orphanage that is still standing in town but is now a youth club.  We didn’t get close enough for a photo of the real building.  Also, the museum displays art work that the people made and continue to make. 

To date in excess of Can $40 million has been granted to over one thousand projects on the northern peninsula of Newfoundland and coastal Labrador.  These have addressed community development, education, scholarships and health related initiatives.  To look at more check out the International Grenfell Association.