Puntarenas, Costa Rica and Merry Christmas

Nautical Term – of the day – Even Keel

A “keel” is like the backbone of the vessel – the lowest and principal centerline structural member running fore and aft.  A vessel that floats upright without listing is said to be on an “even keel,” and this term has come to mean “calm and steady.”

Although Costa Rica is known for coffee, its lush, green jungle countryside, and monkeys, we went to an Andalusian Horse Show. 🙂  Rancho San Miguel has been exhibiting horse fiestas for more than 30 years and is famous for his purebred Andalusian horses.

While watching the masterful abilities of the traditionally attired riders, we were also enjoying listening to the rhythms of  Spanish flamenco music.

Christmas Eve, after enjoying the horse show, we had a lovely evening dinner, chocolate dessert and a church service at 10:30 pm so some of the crew and staff could attend.  Our regular Sunday morning church services have about 100 attending whereas Christmas Eve 240 attended.  The Christmas Story from bits of scripture with corresponding carols were sung and enjoyed by all.

“Jesus was God and man in one person, that God and man might be happy together again.”  ~  George Whitefield


Christmas Day dinner for the 60+ Churchgoers was a wonderful family-style dinner.  Santa collected small ($5-$20) gifts that were handed out as a surprise to the kitchen crew. They give such good service we can’t say thank you enough.