Iquique, Chile

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”  ~  Ibn Battuta

I slept in till 9:00 am. View from the bow, we’re already docked.

Built with Oregon pine shipped as ballast during the copper boom.  This town was once part of Peru and grew prosperous in the 19th century from saltpetre mining, a form of potassium nitrate.  It was ceded to Chile in 1883 after the War of the Pacific in which Chile beat both Peru and Bolivia, now a land locked country.

Municipal Theater from the 1890’s.
Lovely clock tower in the center of the square.
Club Croatia, the building with the pretty cupola.
The Government’s Port Authority.

Iquique means “peaceful place of rest” and it was lovely.  Sail away from our last Chilean town, with different mountains than what we have come to love.  Northern Chile with desert and Southern Chile with those beautiful snowcapped mountains and fjords.

Last Modified on December 23, 2019
this article Iquique, Chile