Antigua, Barbuda – Roseau, Dominica + farewell fotos!

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” ~  Andre Gide

Many similarities in these next 6 islands we visit.  Beautiful Vistas and Beaches;  Botanical Gardens; damage from terrible hurricanes; all school children wear uniforms and adhere to strict discipline; low crime, punishment severe; laid back atmosphere; British – French – Dutch history; Pirates; Rum; Cotton, tobacco, salt, sugar industry in the past, today they all say Tourism is their biggest industry; and they are very friendly, friendly, friendly.  Yah, Man! 

After perusing Nelson’s Dockyard, a UNESCO heritage site, named for Horatio Nelson who lived there from 1784-1787, we relaxed with a glass of “rum” punch. That is served often on these island tours.

I’m smiling because its sunny for a change (not the rum punch!)

Roseau, Dominica

Nautical Term ~ of the day ~ Groggy

In 1740, British Admiral Vernon (whose nickname was “Old Grogram” for the cloak of grogram which he wore) ordered that the sailors’ daily ration of rum be diluted with water. The men called the mixture “grog”. A sailor who drank too much grog was “groggy”.

We went Whale watching…… The above is the only “Whale” we saw! They said 85% of the time sightings occur. We were the 15%. 22 species in the area plus a pod of sperm whales. Can you imagine 245 days on the ocean and “no whales”! I can!!

Botanical Garden’s yellow bell flower and an African Baobab tree, nicknamed “Goliath,” was felled by Hurricane “David” in 1979 and has kept on growing all these years. It landed on a school bus which, thankfully, was empty at the time.

We visited an Abilities Unlimited, a local craft workshop that was established to help the visually impaired learn skills.

Before posting more islands, I need to post some friends who have left. 

“A journey is best measured in friends, not in miles.”  ~  Tim Cahill

Elia (92 and sure doesn’t look it) and Georgia. They lived and raised children in Lebanon. Mark, I’m sending you a book that his daughter wrote titled “Stories My Father Told Me”. The Waiter in the foreground is Kadek from Bali where we hope to meet his family when we visit that area next year.
Sandra got a new hair do. Her son took the picture and then took one of us too.
Our lovely library and easy chairs.

Left to right – Diana, Jo, Kadek, Mega, Didit, Philip, John. I don’t know who enjoys this cruise more, the passengers or the servers. We, the two couples, enjoyed each others stories a great deal.